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Important progress in quantum precision measurement: a new method for nanoscale electrical detection based on NV color centers

Important progress in quantum precision measurement: a new method for nanoscale electrical detection based on NV color centers

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  • Time of issue:2021-09-30
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(Summary description)It is reported that Du Jiangfeng, Shi Kaifa, Wang Ya and others from the Key Laboratory of Micromagnetic Resonance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have made important progress in the research direction of diamond single-spin quantum precision measurement. They proposed and experimentally realized a diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color The single spin of the core is the electrical detection method of the quantum sensor (hereinafter referred to as the "diamond quantum sensor"), and the magnetically suppressed NV color center realizes the extraction of the electrical noise information of the diamond near the surface, which is the application of the diamond quantum sensor in the direction of electrical detection. Provide new ways. And the research results were published in the recent "Physics Review Letters" in the form of "Editor's Recommendation" [Nanoscale Electrometry Based on a Magnetic-Field-Resistant Spin Sensor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 247701 (2020)].

The high-resolution and high-sensitivity detection of basic physical quantities such as electricity and magnetism has important applications in the fields of physics, materials, and life sciences. The NV color center in diamond becomes a highly sensitive magnetic quantum sensor due to its superior coherence properties under room temperature atmospheric environment. It has the comprehensive advantages of high sensitivity and high resolution in magnetic detection and imaging. It has been used in single-molecule magnetic resonance and Nanoscale magnetic imaging and other fields [Representative papers by Jiangfeng Du’s team in this direction: Nature Physics 10, 21 (2014); Science 347, 1135 (2015); Nature Methods 15, 697 (2018); Science Advances 5, eaau8038 (2019) ); Science Advances 6, eaaz8244 (2020)]. At the same time, the NV color center was proposed as an electrical signal quantum sensor as early as 2011 [Nat. Phys. 7, 459 (2011)], and it has been proven to have the detection sensitivity of a single charge in an atmosphere at room temperature. Charge and electric field detection. But the NV color center as a quantum sensor, the practical goal is to apply it to the signal characterization of diamond in vitro. In order to use the NV color center for the high-sensitivity and high-resolution characterization of the electrical signal of diamond in vitro samples, it needs to be prepared at the shallow diamond surface at a depth of 10 nanometers to several tens of nanometers. However, the magnetic noise environment near the diamond surface is complicated, and the NV color center is susceptible to magnetic signal interference, which limits its practical application to electric field detection.

Important progress in quantum precision measurement: a new method for nanoscale electrical detection based on NV color centers

(Summary description)It is reported that Du Jiangfeng, Shi Kaifa, Wang Ya and others from the Key Laboratory of Micromagnetic Resonance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have made important progress in the research direction of diamond single-spin quantum precision measurement. They proposed and experimentally realized a diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color The single spin of the core is the electrical detection method of the quantum sensor (hereinafter referred to as the "diamond quantum sensor"), and the magnetically suppressed NV color center realizes the extraction of the electrical noise information of the diamond near the surface, which is the application of the diamond quantum sensor in the direction of electrical detection. Provide new ways. And the research results were published in the recent "Physics Review Letters" in the form of "Editor's Recommendation" [Nanoscale Electrometry Based on a Magnetic-Field-Resistant Spin Sensor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 247701 (2020)].

The high-resolution and high-sensitivity detection of basic physical quantities such as electricity and magnetism has important applications in the fields of physics, materials, and life sciences. The NV color center in diamond becomes a highly sensitive magnetic quantum sensor due to its superior coherence properties under room temperature atmospheric environment. It has the comprehensive advantages of high sensitivity and high resolution in magnetic detection and imaging. It has been used in single-molecule magnetic resonance and Nanoscale magnetic imaging and other fields [Representative papers by Jiangfeng Du’s team in this direction: Nature Physics 10, 21 (2014); Science 347, 1135 (2015); Nature Methods 15, 697 (2018); Science Advances 5, eaau8038 (2019) ); Science Advances 6, eaaz8244 (2020)]. At the same time, the NV color center was proposed as an electrical signal quantum sensor as early as 2011 [Nat. Phys. 7, 459 (2011)], and it has been proven to have the detection sensitivity of a single charge in an atmosphere at room temperature. Charge and electric field detection. But the NV color center as a quantum sensor, the practical goal is to apply it to the signal characterization of diamond in vitro. In order to use the NV color center for the high-sensitivity and high-resolution characterization of the electrical signal of diamond in vitro samples, it needs to be prepared at the shallow diamond surface at a depth of 10 nanometers to several tens of nanometers. However, the magnetic noise environment near the diamond surface is complicated, and the NV color center is susceptible to magnetic signal interference, which limits its practical application to electric field detection.

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2021-09-30
  • Views:0
It is reported that Du Jiangfeng, Shi Kaifa, Wang Ya and others from the Key Laboratory of Micromagnetic Resonance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have made important progress in the research direction of diamond single-spin quantum precision measurement. They proposed and experimentally realized a diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color The single spin of the core is the electrical detection method of the quantum sensor (hereinafter referred to as the "diamond quantum sensor"), and the magnetically suppressed NV color center realizes the extraction of the electrical noise information of the diamond near the surface, which is the application of the diamond quantum sensor in the direction of electrical detection. Provide new ways. And the research results were published in the recent "Physics Review Letters" in the form of "Editor's Recommendation" [Nanoscale Electrometry Based on a Magnetic-Field-Resistant Spin Sensor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 247701 (2020)].
The high-resolution and high-sensitivity detection of basic physical quantities such as electricity and magnetism has important applications in the fields of physics, materials, and life sciences. The NV color center in diamond becomes a highly sensitive magnetic quantum sensor due to its superior coherence properties under room temperature atmospheric environment. It has the comprehensive advantages of high sensitivity and high resolution in magnetic detection and imaging. It has been used in single-molecule magnetic resonance and Nanoscale magnetic imaging and other fields [Representative papers by Jiangfeng Du’s team in this direction: Nature Physics 10, 21 (2014); Science 347, 1135 (2015); Nature Methods 15, 697 (2018); Science Advances 5, eaau8038 (2019) ); Science Advances 6, eaaz8244 (2020)]. At the same time, the NV color center was proposed as an electrical signal quantum sensor as early as 2011 [Nat. Phys. 7, 459 (2011)], and it has been proven to have the detection sensitivity of a single charge in an atmosphere at room temperature. Charge and electric field detection. But the NV color center as a quantum sensor, the practical goal is to apply it to the signal characterization of diamond in vitro. In order to use the NV color center for the high-sensitivity and high-resolution characterization of the electrical signal of diamond in vitro samples, it needs to be prepared at the shallow diamond surface at a depth of 10 nanometers to several tens of nanometers. However, the magnetic noise environment near the diamond surface is complicated, and the NV color center is susceptible to magnetic signal interference, which limits its practical application to electric field detection.




Figure 1: (a) Schematic diagram of the experiment. Electrodes are applied on the diamond surface to apply an electric field, and a current-carrying solenoid is placed next to it to apply a magnetic field. (b) The relationship between the energy level of the new eigenstate of the NV color center with the electrode voltage (i.e. electric field, shown by the red line and circle) and the current in the solenoid (i.e. the magnetic field, blue line and square). It can be seen that it only affects The electric field changes respond.
In order to solve this limitation, the research proposed a method that can suppress the magnetic signal and noise while being sensitive to the electric field. As a spin system, the NV color center has natural sensitivity to magnetic fields, but relatively low sensitivity to electric fields. Therefore, magnetic field interference is a prerequisite for electrical detection. In the study, a continuous dynamic decoupling sequence was designed to form a specific decorated state space, effectively suppressing the response of the NV color center to the magnetic field, while retaining the linear response to the electric field (as shown in Figure 1), thus constructing A more effective quantum sensor for electrical signals. Furthermore, the researchers used this new electrical detection method to study the distribution of electrical noise near the diamond surface. In the past, it was thought that the noise felt by the NV color center near the diamond surface mainly originated from the electromagnetic noise caused by unpaired electrons or spins distributed on the upper surface of the diamond. In addition, they also found that in addition to the electrical noise on the upper surface of the diamond, the electrical noise in the interior (around the NV color center) about 10 nanometers deep from the diamond surface is also not negligible. Through modeling and quantitative experimental study of these two electrical noises, it is found that there is a significant correlation between them. This kind of quantitative detection and analysis cannot be achieved by previous research methods, and the new method exhibits a high degree of suppression of magnetic noise, so it can be used for the extraction of pure electrical noise information near the diamond surface. This helps to more accurately analyze the nature and source of surface noise, so as to be targeted.
The research results verified the new electrical detection method based on the diamond quantum sensor. Compared with the previous electrical detection method based on NV color centers, this method greatly enhances the suppression of magnetic noise, thereby prolonging its coherence time and improving electrical detection. The sensitivity. This method is very suitable for the characterization of samples with coexisting electromagnetic fields, such as multiferroic materials. Combined with the characteristics of high-resolution imaging of the NV color center, it is expected to achieve important applications in the field of electromagnetic characterization of materials. In addition, this method also has the detection sensitivity of a single electron charge in a room temperature atmospheric environment, and it can be applied to the electrical signal characterization of condensed matter and semiconductor materials.

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